Aletheia Lee
DPhil, RIE® Associate

SUSS June-July Sessions
10 June 2023 Saturday
I Play Therefore I Am
10 am – 4 pm | SUSS Block C 3.16

It’s play day! Everyone’s talking about the power of play. What’s the buzz about play anyway?
What if I told you to suspend all ideas of “Play For Learning” for one day?
Step outside the pedagogies and principles of play, playful learning, purposeful play etc. and discover a personal side to this natural instinct — this pillar of our human nature. Yes, I’m saying: Play is not for learning; play is for well-being.
What kind of play appeals to you? What kind of player are you?
This workshop is designed to take a splash at playfulness and see it with new eyes. Delight in its paradoxes, appreciate its characters and varieties, consider why children are so good at it, figure out how you might enjoy more play in your own life — and even become more productive for it!
I promise it will be as trivial as it is impactful :)
17 June 2023 Saturday

Image from Walking Together (2023)
By Elder Albert D. Marshall, Louise Zimanyi, and Emily Kewageshig
Working with Partnership and Limits That Make Sense
PART 1: 10 am – 1 pm |
PART 2: 2 pm – 5 pm | SUSS C 3.16
We all wish to work in spaces with easy children. We want them to follow our plan, hear what we have to say, cooperate with our requests, help the day go smoothly our way.
What is your approach to discipline? Is it about teaching children how to behave, or controlling the children’s behaviour? If it’s about teaching, what exactly are we teaching?
This workshop will explore concepts and tools that we can bring to discipline situations in the classroom as well as in life. Through a series of experientials, reflections, and discussions, we will think carefully about structure, free will, cooperation, harmony, conflicts, and conflict resolution.
Our goal is for you to become more proactive than reactive in difficult moments, staying in control of yourself and in charge of the children.
1 July 2023 Saturday
The Young Child's POV
Observing Infants and Toddlers
10 am – 1 pm | SUSS C 3.16
2 pm – 5 pm | SUSS C 3.16
Three sessions to choose from:
5 July 2023 Wednesday
2 pm – 5 pm | SUSS C 3.16
The best moments for any educator are when children take charge of their own learning and experiences. How can we ally with even the youngest child to help them create their own challenges and solve their own problems? To do so, we must hone our ability to observe sensitively, to be attuned to the young child’s perspective and needs.
This workshop will visit the principles and practice of sensitive observation when working with infants and toddlers. You will be guided through a series of activities, videos, and discussions to sharpen your skills with this essential practice. Our goal is for you to feel alive to your lens, language, and attitude as a sensitive observer.
To all FT undergraduate students who will take ECE310 Birth to Three Responsive Curriculum in July 2023 semester: You are strongly encouraged to attend as this session will aid your practicum and TMA during the upcoming term.
This workshop is also open to all ECE students and alumni who wish to sharpen observation skills with infants, toddlers, as well as preschool children.
6, 13, 20, 27 June 2023
Tuesdays with Aletheia
2 pm – 5 pm | SUSS C 3.16

Drink tea
Sing song
Chit chat
! NOTE ! For 27 June Tuesday, we will meet in the morning 930am – 1230pm
Every or any Tuesday in June, come spend informal afternoons together to relax, chat, bond, experience, reflect, ask questions, distill thoughts, clarify concepts, or address other needs you have.
Experiential learning and practice-oriented professional skills, with elements of discovery, spontaneity, playfulness, reflection, and sincere good fun meeting as a group!
No preparation is needed for the session. Just get good rest, come expecting the unexpected, and bring a pen you like to write with.